Fiverr is a fantastic site for people who have something to offer. Whether it be writing articles or just singing a tune; anyone can make money on Fiverr. Fiverr is the first and biggest micro-gig website where you can sell your products or work or whatever you do, for $5. This is great because these can be very simple tasks and can probably be done in half an hour. Half an hour per $5 gig would equate to $10 an hour (Well, technically it would be $8 dollars an hour because Fiverr takes $1 per $5 gig you complete). Fiverr is great and there is a lot of money to be made if you know what you're doing. At Fiverr you post as many gigs as you like (up to 20) and people can order the gig from you. This can be a little off, because you have to complete whatever task they want you to do, but it's not so bad, because most of what they order is really very simple and easy to complete as long as you have a very direct, to-the-point gig listed. For example, if you post a gig that says 'I will write an article on whatever you want', then obviously you will probably expect to get random article order, but you can also post a very specific gig, such as, 'I will make you a Power Ranger's doll'. See? Each gig that you create will get a couple gigs per week, or more, depending on how well you advertise your gig. Using the right tags and uploading a video to your gig will definitely help you out. The great thing about this is that when you get an order 9 times out of 10 that person will order one or more gigs from you, usually a similar order, too.
Fiverr is in the process of revamping the site and soon will be a lot better, so I will update this blog post on the release of the update.
Update: The update came and looks great!
Update: The update came and looks great!